Working to address the under representation of the Traveller and Roma communities in employment settings, both public and private
- The All Ireland Health Study of 2010, found that 84% of Travellers during the study were currently unemployed.
- Donegal Travellers’ Project provides employment information, advice, and support to members of the Traveller and Roma communities.
- Donegal Travellers Project continues to be the main employer of Travellers in Co Donegal
- Accessing mainstream employment has been an ongoing challenge for the Traveller and Roma communities. Many Travellers and Roma leave school early, and a very small number access third level education (See Education section). This poor level of educational attainment, coupled with the everyday racism and discrimination that members of the Traveller community experience, can make it particularly difficult to access employment.
- The 2017 report, ‘Who Experiences Discrimination in Ireland?’ prepared for the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission by the Economic and Social Research Institute, found that one in eight people experience racism and that Travellers experience much higher levels of discrimination in the workplace, as well as in terms of access to public and private services.
- The report also showed that Travellers are almost 10 times more likely than the general population to experience discrimination in seeking work.
- The 2018 National Roma Needs Assessment (Pavee Point) found that Roma face high levels of discrimination in the street, in finding accommodation and in finding employment. Roma in Ireland also often find it difficult to provide the necessary documentation to comply with Habitual Residence Condition and so cannot access social welfare payments, including child benefit. This forces some Roma families into desperate poverty and overcrowded living conditions.

- Providing information, advice and support with accessing employment and employment services.
- DTP provides a training and employment skills programme, run jointly with Donegal Local Development CLG and working with a jobs coach.
- The wide-ranging training and skills programme in recent years has offered participants taster courses in subjects that could lead to further training and qualification, including an introduction to blacksmithing, a course on men’s food and nutrition and barista training.
- There has been successful training initiatives in a number of different fields, including HGV/truck driving, safe pass safety, HGV/bus driving, chainsaw handling, and HAACCP food handling.
- DTP is further developing relationships with INTREO, SICAP (LDCs) and local Enterprise Offices for the inclusion of Travellers and Roma to access relevant support, training and opportunities including social enterprise and the Traveller economy in partnership with the SIT Employment project in Donegal.
- DTP provides information and support for members of the Traveller and Roma communities on existing employment and training services locally.
- DTP works with local enterprise offices and other organisations for the inclusion of Travellers and Roma to access relevant support training and opportunities.
- DTP continues to promote access to community employment and other employment programmes both within the organisation and other organisations for members of the Traveller and Roma communities.
- We continue to provide and support access to professional development opportunities for members of the Traveller and Roma Communities employed in the Donegal Travellers Project.
- As a peer led project, the DTP’s Primary Health Care programme employs a growing team of Traveller community health workers offering a range of health supports and services.