Donegal Travellers Project
Free DiversityAware Training Course. Learn about diversity in Ireland.

Donegal Travellers Project
Free DiversityAware Training Course. Learn about diversity in Ireland.

Who are We

Why take our training?
Increased Cultural Competence
You will develop a deeper understanding of the diverse cultures, traditions, and histories within Ireland.
Enhanced Interpersonal Skills
Our training equips individuals with communication and listening skills that facilitate meaningful dialogue across cultures.
Expanded Global Perspective
Ireland’s diversity extends beyond its borders, and our diversity awareness training will help you understand and appreciate global perspectives.
Increased Workplace Inclusion
Our training equips individuals with the knowledge and tools to create an inclusive work environment that values and leverages the diverse talents and perspectives of employees.
Social Impact
Diversity awareness training helps break down barriers, challenge stereotypes, and promote equality and social justice.
Eliminate Discrimination and Racism
Our Diversity training creates awareness about various forms of discrimination and racism, including their impact on individuals and the broader community.
What you will learn

Understanding Diversity
Diversity refers to the variety of human differences, including ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, socioeconomic status, physical abilities, religious beliefs, and cultural backgrounds.This module covers diversity, it’s benefits and The Equal Status legislation in Ireland.

Understanding Ethnicity
Ethnicity refers to a social construct that categorises groups of people based on shared cultural, historical, linguistic, or ancestral characteristics.You will learn what constitutes an ethnic group and why ethnicity is the preferred term to describe differences between people.

International Protection Applicants
International Protection Applicants refer to individuals who have applied for international protection (asylum) in this country. These are individuals who have left their home countries due to fear of persecution, conflict, or other forms of serious harm and have sought refuge in Ireland. In this module you will learn the difference between a person seeking asylum and refuge in Ireland, direct provision, and the challenges faced by asylum seekers and refugees.

Respecting Diversity on Social Media
Social media platforms have become global spaces where people from diverse backgrounds connect and engage. Respecting diversity ensures that everyone feels welcome and included regardless of their characteristics. In this module you will learn why you must respect diversity on social media and how to report racist or online hate.

Understanding Racism
Racism refers to the belief that some races are inherently superior or inferior to others, leading to discrimination, prejudice, and unequal treatment based on ethnic background.This module covers the origins of racism, the impact of racism and what we mean by “race”.

Understanding Interculturalism
Interculturalism is an approach that emphasises positive and constructive interaction between different cultural groups within a society. You will learn what Interculturalism means both in terms of our every day understanding of different cultures, and the less familiar differences which may not be so visible.

Public Sector Duty Legislation
All public bodies in Ireland have responsibility to promote equality, prevent discrimination and protect the human rights of their employees, customers, service users and everyone affected by their policies and plans. This is a legal obligation, called the Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty. In this module, you will learn the aims of the Duty, the consequences for breaking the legislation, and how you can report a breach.

Roma Communities in Ireland
Understand who the Roma peoples are, where they come from, and the challenges and discrimination they face living in Ireland.

Who are Travellers in Irish Society
You will learn who Irish Travellers are, the concept of nomadism, the recognition of Traveller ethnicity and about Traveller culture.

National Action Plan Against Racism
A National Action Plan Against Racism (NAPAR) is a unique framework that goes beyond individual policies and projects, by putting together a comprehensive set of actions and monitoring mechanisms to tackle racism systemically. This module covers the objective of the NAPAR and the actions it has set out to achieve.
Free DiversityAware Training Course
Learn about diversity in Ireland

Meet Your Trainers

Nolunga Shologu
Donegal Intercultural Platform

Balume Armstrong Dube
Donegal Intercultural Platform

Mohamed Farah
Donegal Intercultural Project

David Friel

Eyad Meshael
Donegal Intercultural Platform

Dalia Taftazani
Letterkenny Islamic Association

Shane O'Curry
Irish Network Against Racism

David Carpaci
Donegal Travellers Project

Hugh Friel
Roma Health Coordinator

Caoimhe Sweeney
Marketing Consultant